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Definition of: gantry

(gantrē) noun plural ·tries
1. The frame of a traveling crane, or the crane and frame together.
2. A framework for supporting railway signals usually bridging the tracks.
3. A frame to hold a barrel horizontally. Also spelled gauntry, gauntree. [Alter, of OF gantier, chantier <L canterius beast of burden, framework <Gk. kanthēlios pack ass]
gantryGANTRY (def. I)

Most often used phrases:

elmer gantry
gantry cranes
gantry crane
chris gantry
overhead gantry
signal gantry
television gantry
gantry plaza
toll gantry
ship gantry
tyred gantry
gantry system
erp gantry
gantry signage
mounted gantry

'gantry' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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