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Definition of: gladiolus

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(glad′ē·ōləs, glə·dīə·ləs) noun plural ·lus·es or ·li (-lī)
1. Any of a large Old World genus (Gladiolus) of plants of the iris family with fleshy bulbs, sword-shaped leaves, and spikes of colored flowers.
2. Its corm or flower. Also glad·i·o·la (glad′ē·ōlə, glə·dī·ə·lə), glad′i·ole (-ōl). [<L, dim. of gladius sword]

Most often used phrases:

gladiolus rag
gladiolus palustris
gladiolus tristis
gladiolus imbricatus
gladiolus pole evansii
gladiolus callianthus
gladiolus crassifolius
iridaceae gladiolus
genus gladiolus
april gladiolus
gladiolus communis
marsh gladiolus
gladiolus griseus
gladiolus italicus
gladiolus longicollis

'gladiolus' used in domains:


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