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Definition of: kid

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(kid) noun
1. A young goat.
2. Leather, or, in the plural, gloves or shoes made from goatskin.
3. The meat of a young goat.
4. Colloq. A child or infant; youngster.
5. Formerly, a white servant in the American colonies indentured for four or five years.

1. Made of kidskin.
2. Colloq. Younger: my kid brother.
& v.i. kid·ded, kid·ding

1. To give birth to (young): said of goats.
2. Slang To make fun of (someone); tease jokingly.
3. Slang To deceive or try to deceive (someone); humbug. [<ON kidh]

Definition of: kid

(kid) noun
1. A small tub for sailors' rations.
2. On fishing vessels, a small wooden tub to hold fish when caught. [? Var. of KIT1]

Most often used phrases:

kid rock
karate kid
kid cudi
new kid
sundance kid
kid flash
wimpy kid
cisco kid
rich kid
comeback kid
kid sister
wars kid
kid creole
kid kash
kid icarus

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Statistical data

"kid" has the frequency of use of 0.0215% on city-data.com forum

"kid" has the frequency of use of 0.002% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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