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Definition of: kin

(kin) noun
1. Relationship; consanguinity.
2. Collectively, relatives by blood.
3. Obs. A group of persons having a common ancestor; clan; tribe.
adjective Of the same blood or ancestry; hence, related; kindred.
[OE cyn. Akin to KIND2. Synonyms (noun): affinity, alliance, birth, blood, consanguinity, descent, family, kind, kindred, race, relationship. Kind is broader than kin, denoting the most general relationship, as the whole human species in mankind, humankind, etc; kin denotes direct relationship that can be traced through either blood or marriage, preferably the former; either of these words may signify collectively all persons of the same blood or members of the same family, relatives, or relations. Affinity denotes relationship by marriage, consanguinity denotes relationship by blood. There are no true antonyms of kin or kindred, except those by negatives, since strangers, aliens, foreigners, and foes may still be kin or kindred. See KINDRED.

Definition of: kin

Little; small: lambkin. [<MDu. -kijn, -ken]

Most often used phrases:

kin selection
close kin
kin group
kin endate
tan kin
kin lian
kin groups
kin shriner
mama kin
kin terms
kin canada
lee kin
blood kin
shiu kin
kris kin

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Statistical data

"kin" has the frequency of use of 0.0003% on city-data.com forum

"kin" has the frequency of use of 0.0003% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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