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Definition of: knot

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(not) noun
1. An intertwining of the parts of one or more ropes, cords, etc., so that they will not slip.
2. An ornamental bow of silk, lace, etc.
3. Anything that resembles a knot.
4. A hard, gnarled portion of the trunk of a tree at the insertion of a branch; especially, such a gnarled knob of a pine tree, used for kindling or firewood.
5. Bot. a A node or joint in a stem; also, a protuberance or swelling. b plural Any of several diseases of trees, characterized by such swellings.
6. A cluster or group, as of persons.
7. Naut. a A division of a log line, marked by pieces of cloth or knotted string at equal distances, and used to determine the rate of a ship's motion. b A speed of a nautical mile in an hour. c A nautical mile.
8. A knob.
9. A bond or association or union.
10. Something not easily solved; a difficulty; problem.
11. An enlargement of a muscle or of the bone beneath it; a swollen gland or nerve.
12. The red–breasted sandpiper. See REDBREAST.
—French knot
A decorative knot made by twisting or winding a thread several times around a needle and then pushing the latter through the coil.
v. knot·ted, knot·ting

1. To tie in a knot; form a knot or knots in.
2. To secure or fasten by a knot.
3. To form knobs, bosses, etc., in.

4. To form a knot or knots.
5. To tie knots for fringe. [OE cnotta]
a. Square or reef knot.
b. Granny knot.
c. Overhand knot.
d. Figure–8 knot.
e. Single bowknot.
ƒ. Double bowknot.
g. Boat knot.
h. Surgeon's knot.

Definition of: knot

(not) noun
A migratory sandpiper (Calidris Canutis) breeding in Arctic regions. [Origin unknown]

Most often used phrases:

knot theory
red knot
knot calidris
overhand knot
trefoil knot
knot garden
great knot
sealed knot
caucasian knot
torus knot
knot ms
knot invariant
endless knot
figure eight knot
blood knot

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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