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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Definition of: price

(prīs) noun
1. equivalent given or asked in exchange; valuation; cost (to the buyer).
2. Anything given or done to obtain something: Death is the price of glory.
3. The quality of possessing value; worth; especially, high value.
4. A bribe or anything used for a bribe.
5. A reward for the capture or death of.
—beyond price

1. So valuable that no adequate price can be set; priceless.
2. Unbribable.
—market price
The price that something will bring in the open market.
—to set a price on one's head
To offer a reward for the capture of a person, dead or alive.

v.t. priced, pric·ing

1. To ask the price of.
2. To set a price on; value; appraise. [<OF pris <L pretium. Related to PRAISE.] Synonyms (noun): charge, cost, expenditure, expense, outlay, value, worth. The cost of a thing is all that has been expended upon it, whether in discovery, production, refinement, decoration, transportation, or otherwise, to bring it to its present condition in the hands of its present possessor; the price of a thing is what the seller asks for it. Price always implies that an article is for sale; what a man will not sell he declines to put a price on. Value is the estimated equivalent for an article, whether the article is for sale or not; the market value is what something would bring if it were for sale in the open market; the intrinsic value is the inherent worth of the article considered by itself alone; the market value of an old and rare volume may be very great, while its intrinsic value may be practically nothing. Value has always more reference to others' estimation (literally, what the thing will avail with others) than worth, which regards the thing in and by itself; thus, intrinsic value is a weaker expression than intrinsic worth. Charge has especial reference to services, expense to outlays; as, the charges of a lawyer or physician; traveling expenses, etc.
Price may appear as a combining form in hyphemes or solidemes, or as the first element in two–word phrases:

price adjustmentprice–making
price administrationprice–manipulation
price boomprice notice
price–controlprice reduction
price cutprice–ruling
price freezeprice–stabilizing
price historyprice–support
price–maintenanceprice tag

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Statistical data

"price" has the frequency of use of 0.049% on city-data.com forum

"price" has the frequency of use of 0.0061% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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