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Definition of: proverb

(provərb) noun
1. A pithy saying, especially one condensing the wisdom of experience; adage; saw; maxim.
2. An enigmatical saying: to speak in a proverb.
3. Something proverbial; a typical example; byword. [<OF proverbe <L proverbium <pro- before + verbum a word] Synonyms: adage, aphorism, apothegm, axiom, byword, dictum, maxim, motto, precept, saw, saying, truism. The proverb or adage gives homely truth in condensed, practical form; the latter especially gains authority by long usage. An aphorism is a summary statement of a general truth. An apothegm is a sententious statement. A dictum is a statement of some person or school, on whom it depends for authority. A saying is impersonal, current among the people. A saw is a saying that is old, but somewhat worn and tiresome. Precept is a command or a rule for behavior; a motto or maxim is a brief statement of cherished truth, the maxim being more uniformly and directly practical. A byword is a saying used reproachfully or contemptuously. Compare ADAGE, AXIOM.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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