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Definition of: revenge

(ri·venj) v. ·venged, ·veng·ing v.t.
1. To inflict punishment, injury, or loss in return for; to take vengeance for; avenge.
2. To take or seek vengeance in behalf of.

3. Obs. To take vengeance.

1. The act of returning injury for injury; the infliction of injury or punishment in the spirit of personal vindictiveness; retaliation.
2. A mode or means of avenging oneself or others.
3. The desire for vengeance. [<OF revenger <re- (<L re-) again + venger take vengeance <L vindicare. See VINDICATE.]
Synonyms (noun): avenging, requital, retaliation, retribution, vengeance. Retaliation and revenge are personal and often bitter. Retaliation may be partial; revenge is meant to be complete and may be excessive. Vengeance, which once meant an indignant vindication of justice, now signifies the most furious and unsparing revenge. Revenge emphasizes more the personal injury in return for which it is inflicted. A requital is an even return, such as to quit one of obligation for what has been received, and may be good or bad. Avenging and retribution give a solemn sense of exact justice, avenging being more personal in its infliction, and retribution the impersonal visitation of the doom of righteous law. See HATRED. Antonyms: compassion, excuse, forgiveness, grace, mercy, pardon, pity.

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"revenge" has the frequency of use of 0.0008% on city-data.com forum

"revenge" has the frequency of use of 0.0018% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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