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Definition of: sheet

(shēt) noun
1. A very thin and broad piece of any substance; that which is or can be spread, as upon a surface, or can be laid in broad folds; anything having a considerable expanse with very little thickness.
2. A large rectangular piece of linen or cotton cloth, used in making up a bed.
3. A piece of paper, especially one of a regular size; hence, a newspaper, or a leaf of a book.
4. A piece of metal or other substance hammered, rolled, fused, or cut very thin: a sheet of glass.
5. A broad, flat surface; superficial expanse: a sheet of water; a sheet of flame.
6. Naut. a A rope or chain from a lower corner of a sail to extend it or move it. b plural In an open boat, the space at the bow and stern not occupied by the thwarts. The former is termed the fore sheets and the latter the stern sheets.
7. A sail: a literary use.
8. Geol. a An originally horizontal or moderately inclined layer of igneous rock of small thickness as compared with its lateral extent. b Any superficial deposit, as of gravel left by a glacier, or of soil or ice.
9. The large, unseparated block of stamps printed by one impression of a plate.
—three sheets in the wind
Slang Tipsy; drunk.

1. To stretch by hauling on a sheet: used only in the expression to sheet home, to stretch the clews of a sail to the extremities of the next lower yard.
2. To cover with or wrap in a sheet.
3. To furnish with sheets.

4. To extend in a particular direction: said of the sheets of a sail. [OE scēte linen cloth]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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