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Definition of: stigma

(stigmə) noun plural stig·ma·ta (stigmə·tə, stig·mätə) or (for defs. 1–3, usually) stig·mas
1. A mark of infamy, or token of disgrace; blemish; a blot on one's good name.
2. Formerly, a brand made with a branding iron on slaves and criminals.
3. Bot. That part of a pistil which receives the pollen.
4. Biol. a A mark or spot, as on the wings of certain insects. b An aperture, as the gill slit of a tunicate.
5. A small mark or scar; a birthmark.
6. Pathol. A small red or bleeding spot on the skin caused by nervous tension or by capillary congestion.
7. plural The wounds that Christ received during the Passion and Crucifixion; also, marks on the body corresponding to these wounds: said to be miraculously impressed on certain persons as a token of divine favor.
8. One of the characteristic signs or marks of a disease. See synonyms under BLEMISH. [<L, mark, brand <Gk., pointed end, mark <stizein prick, brand]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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