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Definition of: acanthus

(ə·kanthəs) noun plural ·thus·es or ·thi (-thī)
1. Any plant of the genus Acanthus having large spinous leaves: common in the Mediterranean region.
2. A conventionalized architectural and decorative representation of its leaf, characteristic of the Corinthian capital. Also acanthus leaf. [<L <Gk. akanthos <akē thorn]
acanthusACANTHUS (def. 2)

Most often used phrases:

acanthus leaves
acanthus press
acanthus leaf
acanthus mollis
acanthus ilicifolius
acanthus ornament
acanthaceae acanthus
acanthus family
acanthus decoration
acanthus plant
carved acanthus
acanthus capital
acanthus scrolls
acanthus scroll
sandals acanthus

'acanthus' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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