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Definition of: affable

(afə·bəl) adjective
1. Easy and courteous in manner; approachable.
2. Benign; mild. See synonyms under BLAND, FRIENDLY. [<F <L affabilis, lit., able to be spoken to < affari <ad- to + fari speak]
fa·bil′i·ty, af′fa·ble·ness noun

Most often used phrases:

affable personality
affable man
affable manner
affable nature
affable character
affable fellow
affable person
friendly affable
affable family
affable intelligent
affable style
affable publishing
affable gentleman
affable al
strangely affable

'affable' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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