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Definition of: bullfinch

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(boobrevelfinch′) noun
1. A European singing bird (genus Pyrrhula) having a short, stout bill and red breast.
2. Any of certain American grosbeaks. [<BULL, adjective + FINCH]

Definition of: bullfinch

(boobrevelfinch′) noun Brit.
A strong high hedge. [Prob. alter. of BULL FENCE]

Most often used phrases:

bullfinch pyrrhula
eurasian bullfinch
bullfinch loxigilla
antillean bullfinch
bullfinch press
azores bullfinch
brown bullfinch
rican bullfinch
red headed bullfinch
professor bullfinch
barbados bullfinch
orange bullfinch
cuban bullfinch
bullfinch range
grey headed bullfinch

'bullfinch' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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