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Definition of: eulogy

(yoomacrlə·jē) noun plural ·gies
A spoken or written laudation of a person's life or character; praise. Also eu′lo·gism, eu·lo·gi·um (yoomacr·lōjē·əm). [<Gk. eulogia praise <eu- well + legein speak]
(yoomacr·lojik) adjective
Synonyms: applause, commendation, encomium, laudation, panegyric, praise. Panegyric is commendation expressed to an assembly, and applause is commendation expressed by an assembly. Eulogy is now used almost in the very sense of panegyric, a laudatory address before an audience; as Blaine's eulogy on Garfield; eulogy, however, is regarded as more discriminating than panegyric, which is unstinted praise. Compare APPLAUSE, PRAISE. Antonyms: abuse, calumny, denunciation, detraction, invective, obloquy, philippic, slander, vilification, vituperation.

Most often used phrases:

eulogy recordings
funeral eulogy
eulogy records
moving eulogy
eulogy delivered
emotional eulogy
bontoc eulogy
eulogy written
eulogy song
short eulogy
famous eulogy
obscene eulogy
first eulogy
label eulogy
javanese eulogy

'eulogy' used in domains:


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"eulogy" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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