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Definition of: acuminate

(ə·kyoomacrmə·nāt) v.t. ·nat·ed, ·nat·ing
To sharpen; make pointed, adjective (ə·kyoomacrmə·nit, -nāt) Ending in a long tapering point, as a leaf, feather, fin, etc. Compare ACUTE, and see illustration under LEAF, [<L acuminatus, pp. of acuminare point <acumen.
mi·na′tion noun

Most often used phrases:

acuminate apex
apex acuminate
acuminate tip
acuminate horseshoe
long acuminate
ovate acuminate
lanceolate acuminate
acuminate tapering
short acuminate
oblong acuminate
acuminate base
shortly acuminate
acuminate apices
acuminatus acuminate
acuminate leaves

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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