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Definition of: adjudicate

(ə·joomacrdə·kāt) v. ·cat·ed, ·cat·ing v.t.
To determine judicially, as a case; adjudge.
v.i. To act as a judge.
[<L adjudicatus, pp. of adjudicare. Doublet of ADJUDGE.]
ad·ju′di·cator noun

Most often used phrases:

adjudicate cases
effectively adjudicate
adjudicate disputes
adjudicate claims
adjudicate matters
courts adjudicate
adjudicate complaints
adjudicate content
adjudicate issues
adjudicate legal
adjudicate maritime
up to adjudicate
adjudicate constitutional

'adjudicate' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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