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Definition of: agnosia

(ag·nōsē·ə) noun
Impairment or loss of the ability to recognize or interpret sensory perceptions of familiar persons or things. [<NL <Gk. at- without + gnōsis knowing, knowledge]

Most often used phrases:

visual agnosia
finger agnosia
auditory agnosia
associative agnosia
music agnosia
social emotional agnosia
color agnosia
apperceptive agnosia
appreceptive agnosia
integrative agnosia
tactile agnosia
agnosia disorientation
agnosia microta
inattentional agnosia
landmark agnosia

'agnosia' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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