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Definition of: bacterium
Our photo definition of bacterium 
(bak·tir′ē·əm) noun plural ·te·ri·a (-tir′·ē·ə)
One of numerous widely distributed unicellular micro-organisms of the class Schizomycetes; autotrophic, heterotrophic, parasitic or saprophytic, they exhibit both plant and animal characteristics, and in their three varieties of bacillus, coccus, and spirillum range from the harmless and beneficial to the intensely virulent and lethal. [<NL <Gk. baktērion, dim. of baktron staff, stick]
—bac·te′ri·al adjective
—bac·te′ri·al·ly adverb
a. Staphylococcus.
b. Diplococcus.
c. Sarcina.
d. Streptococcus.
e. Bacillus typhosus.
f. Bacillus sporagenes.
g. Bacillus subtilis.
h. Bacillus proteus.
i. Spirillum undulam.
j. Species of spirochaete.
k. Thiospirillum.
l. Vibrio cholerae.
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