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Definition of: barbarous

(bärbər·əs) adjective
1. Pertaining to or like a barbarian.
2. Uncultivated; lacking the refinements of advanced civilization; rude.
3. Cruel; brutal; savage.
4. Marked by barbarisms in speech; unpolished.
5. Rude or harsh in sound.
6. In Greek and Roman usage, of or pertaining to foreigners. [<L barbarus foreign, barbarian <Gk. barbaros non-Hellenic, foreign, rude]
Synonyms: atrocious, barbarian, barbaric, brutal, cruel, inhuman, merciless, rude, savage, uncivilized, uncouth, untamed. Barbarous refers to the worst side of barbarian life, and to acts of cruelty. We may, however, say barbarous nations, barbarous tribes, without implying anything more than want of civilization and culture. Antonyms: civilized, courtly, cultured, delicate, elegant, graceful, humane, nice, polite, refined, tender, urbane.

Most often used phrases:

barbarous tribes
barbarous people
barbarous nations
barbarous treatment
barbarous act
barbarous manner
barbarous acts
barbarous names
barbarous peoples
barbarous nation
barbarous savages
barbarous radiates
barbarous tongue
barbarous cruelty
barbarous age

'barbarous' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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