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Definition of: bed

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(bed) noun
1. An article of furniture to rest or sleep in or on: either the stuffed tick or mattress, on which the body rests, the mattress and bedclothes, the bedstead, or all combined; a couch.
2. Any place or thing used for a couch or for sleeping in or on.
3. Something likened to or serving as a bed, foundation, or support: the bed of a lake, a rocky bed.
4. The marriage bed; marriage.
5. Conjugal cohabitation, or the right to it.
6. A heavy horizontal mass of matter or a collection of closely massed objects, especially used as a foundation or support.
7. Anything resembling or used for a bed.
8. A part or surface that serves as a foundation.
9. The part of a printing press which supports the form, or a part from which work is fed to a machine.
10. A layer of mortar in which stones or bricks are to be laid.
11. A horizontal course of a stone wall.
12. The lower side of a slate, tile, or brick.
13. A plot of ground prepared for planting some particular thing, or the plants, etc., growing in such a plot.
14. A roadbed or a foundation for rails.
15. Geol. Any layer in a mass of stratified rock; a seam; a deposit, as of ore, parallel to the stratification.
16. A wagon body.
v. bed·ded, bed·ding v.t.

1. To furnish with a bed.
2. To put to bed.
3. To make a bed for; provide with litter: often with down: to bed cattle down.
4. To set out or plant in a bed or earth.
5. To have sexual intercourse with.
6. To lay flat or arrange in layers; to bed oysters.
7. To place firmly; embed.

8. To go to bed.
9. To form a closely packed layer; stratify. [OE]
Bed may appear as a combining form, in hyphemes or solidemes, or as the first element in two-word phrases, which name things used for, in, or about a bed; as in:

bedchairbed lightbedquilt
bedcoverbedmakerbed sock
bed jacketbed padbedtime
bed lampbedpostbedwarmer

Most often used phrases:

river bed
hospital bed
out of bed
death bed
sea bed
test bed
lake bed
bed bath
track bed
bed breakfast
bed bugs
stream bed
fluidized bed
bed hospital
creek bed

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Statistical data

"bed" has the frequency of use of 0.012% on city-data.com forum

"bed" has the frequency of use of 0.0023% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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