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Definition of: blackball

(blakbôl′) v.t.
1. To use one's vote to ban from membership.
2. To exclude or ostracize: blackballed from the television industry.

1. A single negative vote resulting in the rejection of an application for membership.
2. Any willful exclusion or act of ostracism. [<BLACK + BALL1 from the use of a black ball to signify a negative vote during balloting]
er noun

Most often used phrases:

blackball records
blackball branch
blackball pool
blackball stars
waiting blackball
blackball defeated
blackball lodge
defeated blackball
jason blackball
blackball new zealand
blackball rules
blackball mclean

'blackball' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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