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Definition of: boom

(boomacrm) noun
1. Naut. A spar holding the foot of a fore-and-aft sail, or that attached to a yard or to another boom to extend it.
2. A chain of logs to intercept or retard the advance of a vessel, to confine timbers, sawlogs, etc.
3. A pole set up to mark a navigable channel.
4. A long mobile beam projecting from the foot of a derrick to carry a load raised from its outer end.
—to lower the boom
Slang To act decisively to correct abuses; crack down.

1. To extend (a sail) by means of a boom: with out.
2. To shove off or away, as a vessel from a wharf: with off.
3. To equip (a river, lake, etc.) with a barrier to stop floating logs. [<Du. boom tree, beam. Akin to BEAM.]

Definition of: boom

(boomacrm) v.i.
1. To emit a deep, resonant sound, as cannon or drums.
2. To hum loudly, as bees.
3. To rush swiftly or in tumult.
4. To grow rapidly; flourish.

5. To utter or sound in a deep resonant tone: to boom the hour.
6. To extol; praise or advertise vigorously.
7. To cause to flourish: Prosperous times boomed my business.
8. To rush, as logs, down a river.

1. A deep, reverberating sound, as of a supersonic aircraft, waves, etc.
2. Any sudden or rapid growth or popularity. [Imit. Cf. G bummen hum, Gk. bombos hollow noise.]

Most often used phrases:

economic boom
sonic boom
baby boom
building boom
oil boom
construction boom
population boom
boom years
boom studios
housing boom
real estate boom
land boom
boom period

'boom' used in million biggest domains list by Alexa.com:


'boom' used in other domains:


Statistical data

"boom" has the frequency of use of 0.0037% on city-data.com forum

"boom" has the frequency of use of 0.0014% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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