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Definition of: bosom
(bz′əm, b
′zəm) noun
1. The breast of a human being, especially that of a woman.
2. The breast with the arms, considered as an enclosure in embracing.
3. That portion of a garment covering the breast, as a shirt front, or the receptacle which it forms.
4. The breast as the seat of affection.
5. Any deep or enclosed place or supporting surface, suggesting, in purpose or function, the human breast: the bosom of the earth.
1. Close, as if held to the bosom; confidential; intimate; cherished: a bosom friend.
2. Cherished in secret: a bosom sin.
1. To have or cherish in the bosom; embrace.
2. To hide in the bosom; conceal. [OE bōsm]
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