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Definition of: bruit

(broomacrt) v.t.
To noise abroad; talk about: used mainly in the passive. See synonyms under PUBLISH. [<n.]
1. Obs. A rumor noised abroad.
2. A din; clamor.
3. Med. A sound, generally abnormal, heard in auscultation. ◆ Homophone: brute. [<F bruit noise <bruire roar, make a noise,? <L rugire roar, bellow]

Most often used phrases:

le bruit
bruit des
bruit de
de bruit
grand bruit
bruit secret
bruit qui
carotid bruit
sans bruit
pulau bruit
term bruit
abdominal bruit
salon bruit
bruit pour

'bruit' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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