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Definition of: cap

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(kap) noun
1. A covering to be worn on the head; specifically, a brimless head covering, often with a shade or vizor in front.
2. A head covering for a woman or an infant made of lace or some soft fabric.
3. Any headgear of unique design to distinguish some order, office, dignity, or characteristic of the wearer.
4. Anything resembling or used as a cap: a bottle cap.
5. The primer of a cartridge or shell case.
6. Bot. The pileus of a mushroom.
7. The top of an oil well.
8. Any of various large sizes of writing paper. See FOOLSCAP, LEGAL CAP.
9. Archit. The upper member of a column or pilaster; a capital.
—test cap
A protective covering for the exposed end of a cable, excluding dirt, moisture, etc.
—to set one's cap for
To try to win as a suitor or husband.
v.t. capped, cap·ping

1. To put a cap on, as the head.
2. To fit the top or summit of with a cover: Bees cap their cells.
3. To serve as a cap to; lie on top of; crown: The cloud capped the mountain.
4. To add the final touch to; complete.
5. To excel; top.
—to cap the climax
To surpass the climax; exceed the limit.
[OE cæppe <LL cappa hooded cloak, cap, prob. <caput head]

Definition of: cap

(kap) noun Colloq.
A capital letter.

Most often used phrases:

salary cap
first cap
cap badge
international cap
black cap
red cap
baseball cap
final cap
market cap
cap de
ball cap
peaked cap
second cap
cap surface
cap anson

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Statistical data

"cap" has the frequency of use of 0.0033% on city-data.com forum

"cap" has the frequency of use of 0.002% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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