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Definition of: carpenter

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(kärpən·tər) noun
An artificer who builds with timber or wood, as in the construction of houses, ships, and other wooden structures.
v.t. To make by carpentry.
v.i. To work with wood.
[<AF carpentier <LL carpentarius carpenter, wagon–maker <L carpentum two–wheeled carriage]

Definition of: Carpenter

(kärpən·tər), John Alden,
1876–1951, U.S. composer.

Most often used phrases:

john carpenter
carpenter gothic
carpenter k
chapin carpenter
karen carpenter
richard carpenter
master carpenter
carpenter born
edward carpenter
chris carpenter
william carpenter
charisma carpenter
scott carpenter
humphrey carpenter
bob carpenter

Statistical data

"carpenter" has the frequency of use of 0.0007% on city-data.com forum

"carpenter" has the frequency of use of 0.0011% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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