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Definition of: climacteric

(klī·maktər·ik, klī′mak·terik) noun
1. A critical year or period, or one of marked change, as in human life.
2. The menopause.
—grand climacteric
One's sixty–third year.

1. Of or pertaining to a climax; climactic.
2. Pertaining to or designating a critical year or period; marking, or marked by, a crisis. Also cli·mac·ter·i·cal (klī′mak·teri·kəl). [<L climactericus <Gk. klimakterikos <klimaktēr rung of a ladder]

Most often used phrases:

climacteric fruits
climacteric suppl
male climacteric
climacteric year
climacteric period
climacteric keratoderma
model climacteric

'climacteric' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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