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Definition of: constitute
(kon′stə·tt, -ty
t) v.t. ·tut·ed,·tut·ing
1. To form or be the substance of; compose; make up.
2. To impart a given character to.
3. To make or form, as of materials or elements; construct.
4. To establish or found, as a school.
5. To set up or enact, as a law.
6. To depute or appoint, as to an office or function.
7. To give legal or official form to, as a court or assembly.
8. Obs. To place or put in position. See synonyms under MAKE. [<L constitutus, pp. of constituere <com- together + statuere place, station]
—con′sti·tut′er noun
—con′sti·tu′tive adjective
—con′sti·tu′·tive·ly adverb
—con′sti·tu′tive·ness noun
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