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Definition of: cotyledon

(kot′ə·lēdn) noun
1. Bot. A seed leaf, or one of a pair or whorl of the first leaves from a sprouting seed.
2. A genus (Cotyledon) of succulent, ornamental herbs native to the Old World.
3. Anat. A subdivision of the uterine surface of the placenta. [<L, navelwort <Gk. kotylēdōn socket <kotyle a hollow, cavity]
y·le′do·nous, coty·le′do·nal adjective

Most often used phrases:

cotyledon orbiculata
lewisia cotyledon
saxifraga cotyledon
cotyledon seed leaf
cotyledon leaves
genus cotyledon
cotyledon species
obovate cotyledon
cotyledon chrysantha
single cotyledon
cotyledon tomentosa
cotyledon node
cotyledon expands
cotyledon umbilicus

'cotyledon' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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