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Definition of: efficacious

(ef′ə·kāshəs) adjective
Producing or capable of producing an intended effect; having efficacy. See synonyms under EFFICIENT, POWERFUL. [<L efficax, -cacis <efficere. See EFFECT.]
fi·ca′cious·ly adverb
fi·ca′·cious·ness noun

Most often used phrases:

efficacious grace
efficacious treatment
highly efficacious
efficacious means
causally efficacious
equally efficacious
efficacious remedy
considered efficacious
efficacious intervention
efficacious signs
efficacious in re
efficacious manner
efficacious treatments
generally efficacious
efficacious drug

'efficacious' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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