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Definition of: ephemeris

(i·femər·is) noun plural eph·e·mer·i·des (ef′ə·merə·dēz)
1. A table showing the calculated positions and motions of a heavenly body, or of several such bodies, from day to day or at regular intervals.
2. A collection of such tables, or an annual publication giving such tables: an astronomical almanac.
3. Ephemera.
4. Obs. A diary or other diurnal record of events. [<L, a diary <Gk. ephēmeris <ephēmeros. See EPHEMERA.]

Most often used phrases:

ephemeris time
american ephemeris
astronomical ephemeris
ephemeris data
on line ephemeris
ephemeris system
ephemeris second
lunar ephemeris
planet ephemeris
fundamental ephemeris
current ephemeris
ephemeris diaboli
development ephemeris
ephemeris type
jpl ephemeris

'ephemeris' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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