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Definition of: euphorbia

(yoomacr·fôrbē·ə) noun
Any plant of a large and widely distributed genus (Euphorbia) of herbs of the spurge family, characterized by their milky juice and various medicinal properties. [<NL <L euphorbea <Gk. euphorbion; named after Euphorbos, a Greek physician]
bi·a′ceous, eu·phor′bi·al adjective

Most often used phrases:

spurge euphorbia
euphorbia milii
genus euphorbia
euphorbia esula
euphorbia species
euphorbia tithymaloides
euphorbia pulcherrima
euphorbia amygdaloides
euphorbia cyparissias
euphorbia albomarginata
euphorbia characias
akoko euphorbia
euphorbia lathyris
euphorbia seguieriana
euphorbia peplus

'euphorbia' used in domains:


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"euphorbia" has the frequency of use of 0.0002% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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