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Definition of: exaltation

(eg′zôl·tāshən) noun
1. The act of exalting.
2. The state of being exalted.
3. Promotion; elevation, political, social, or spiritual: used specifically of promotion to the papal office.
4. Intensification.
5. A mental state distinguished by ecstatic joy, abnormal optimism, or delusions of grandeur. See synonyms under HEIGHT. [<F <LL exaltatio, -onis <exaltare. See EXALT.]

Most often used phrases:

exaltation mormonism
achieve exaltation
religious exaltation
supreme exaltation
exaltation astrology
rulership exaltation
exaltation ceremony
spiritual exaltation

'exaltation' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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