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Definition of: gangway

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(gangwā′) noun
1. A passageway through, into, or out of any enclosure; especially, a temporary passageway made of planks.
2. Brit. An aisle between rows of seats in the British House of Commons, separating members of the government or ex-ministers who are in opposition from the rank and file of their parties.
3. Naut. a Either side of the upper deck of a ship, from the mainmast to the quarter-deck, b An opening in a vessel's bulwarks to afford entrance for passengers or freight; also, a gangplank.
4. Mining The main level in a coal mine.
5. The gradient up which logs are conveyed into a sawmill: also called logway.
interj. Get out of the way! Stand aside!
[OE gangweg]

Most often used phrases:

eaton gangway
gangway doors
gangway connections
gangway connection
open gangway
central gangway
retracting gangway
main gangway
gangway door
automatic gangway
end gangway
starboard gangway
east gangway
empire gangway
forward gangway

'gangway' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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