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Definition of: grindelia

(grin·dēlē·ə) noun
1. Any plant of an American genus (Grindelia) of coarse herbaceous or shrubby plants with sessile, rigid leaves and large heads of yellow flowers.
2. The dried leaves and flowering tops of certain species of this plant (G. camporum or G. humilis), yielding a balsam used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, and ivy poisoning. Also called gum plant. [<NL, after D.H. Grindel, Russian botanist]

Most often used phrases:

grindelia squarrosa
grindelia fraxino pratensis
grindelia nana
grindelia hirsutula
gumweed grindelia
grindelia stricta
grindelia species
grindelia camporum
grindelia robusta

'grindelia' used in domains:


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