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Definition of: Guelf

(gwelf) noun
1. A member of a medieval political faction in Italy that supported the papacy in its struggle against the influence of the German emperors: opposed to the Ghibellines.
2. A member of a German princely family, founded in the time of Charlemagne by Welf I in Swabia, from which the Hanoverian line of English kings descended. Also Guelph. [<Ital. Guelfo, ult. after OHG Welf, a family name]
—Guelf′i·an, Guelf′ic

Most often used phrases:

Guelf faction
Guelf party
codex Guelf

'Guelf' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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