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Definition of: Hamitic

(ha·mitik) adjective
Of or pertaining to Ham, or the Hamites, or their languages.
noun A North African subfamily of the Hamito–Semitic family of languages, divided into three branches
—ancient Egyptian, Libyco–Berber (extinct Libyan and the modern Berber dialects), and the Cushitic languages of Ethiopia and Somaliland.

Most often used phrases:

Hamitic hypothesis
term Hamitic
include Hamitic
Hamitic race
Hamitic league
Hamitic theory
Hamitic origins
Hamitic peoples
Hamitic branch
Hamitic group
Hamitic language
distinct Hamitic
Hamitic problem
Hamitic languages
Hamitic concept

'Hamitic' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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