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Definition of: hematocrit

(hemə·tō·krit′, hēmə-) noun
An instrument which, by centrifugal action, separates the corpuscles and the serum in blood in order to determine the relative amounts. Also spelled haematokrit. [<HEMATO- + Gk. kritēs a judge <krinein judge]

Most often used phrases:

hematocrit level
hematocrit levels
high hematocrit
low hematocrit
hematocrit hct
increased hematocrit
tube hematocrit
hematocrit percentage
normal hematocrit
elevated hematocrit
hematocrit variations

'hematocrit' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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