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Definition of: institute
(in′stə·tt, -ty
t) v.t. ·tut·ed, ·tut·ing
1. To set up or establish; found.
2. To set in operation; initiate.
3. To appoint to an office, position, etc.; place in a benefice.
4. Law To nominate as heir or executor.
1. An established organization or society pledged to some special purpose and work, or the building devoted to its use; an institution.
2. plural Fundamental principles of law, or a digest of them, as for beginners.
3. An established principle, rule, or order.
—farmers' institute An organization of farmers addressed by experts in agriculture for the purpose of disseminating knowledge in farming.
—naval institute A society having as its object the development of naval knowledge.
—teachers' institute A meeting of the school-teachers of a state or county for the discussion of methods of teaching and problems which arise within a certain period. [<L institutus, pp. of instituere erect, establish <in- in, on + statuere set up, stand] Synonyms (verb): appoint, begin, commence, erect, establish, found, ordain, organize, originate, start. Antonyms: see synonyms for ABOLISH.
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