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Definition of: mandrake

(mandrāk) noun
1. A short-stemmed Old World plant (Mandragora officinarum) of the nightshade family, with narcotic properties.
2. Its fleshy roots, sometimes having a fancied resemblance to the human form.
3. The May apple. Also man·drag·o·ra (man·drag ə·rə). [Alter. of ME mandrag(g)e, <OE mandragora <LL <L mandragoras <Gk.; infl. in form by folk etymology <MAN + DRAKE2 a dragon]

Most often used phrases:

mandrake root
tom mandrake
mandrake press
mandrake linux
john mandrake
leon mandrake
mandrake plant
julian mandrake
mandrake memorial
mr mandrake
lionel mandrake
mandrake falls
junior mandrake
mandrake e
mandrake band

'mandrake' used in domains:


Statistical data

"mandrake" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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