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Definition of: maneuver
(mə·n′vər, -ny
′-) noun
1. A movement or change of position, as of troops or war vessels.
2. Any dexterous or artful proceeding.
1. To put, as troops, through a maneuver or maneuvers.
2. To put, bring, make, etc., by a maneuver or maneuvers.
3. To manipulate; conduct adroitly.
4. To perform a maneuver or maneuvers.
5. To use tricks or stratagems; manage adroitly. Also spelled manoeuver, manoeuvre. [<F manoeuvre <OF maneuvre <LL manopera <manoperare <L manu operari work with the hand <manus hand + operari. See OPERATE. Doublet of MAINOR, MANURE.]
—ma·neu′·ver·a·bil′i·ty or ·vra·bil′i·ty noun
—ma·neu′ver·a·ble or ·vra·ble adjective
—ma·neu′ver·er noun
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