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Definition of: mouse

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(mous) noun plural mice (mīs)
1. One of various small rodents frequenting human habitations throughout the world, as the common house mouse (Mus musculus). ♦ Collateral adjective: murine.
2. Any of various similar animals, as the American harvest mouse (genus Reithrodontomys), or the lemming mouse (genus Synaptomys).
3. Slang A young woman.
4. Slang A discolored swelling of the eye, caused by a blow or bruise.
5. Naut. A swelling worked on a rope to prevent its slipping; also, a mousing.
v. (mouz) moused, mous·ing v.i.

1. To hunt or catch mice.
2. To hunt for something cautiously and softly; prowl.

3. To hunt for, as a cat hunts mice.
4. Naut. To secure (a hook) with mousing.
5. Obs. To rend as a cat does a mouse. [OE mūs, plural mymacrs.]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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