Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: overhaul
(ō′vər·hôl′) v.t.
1. To examine carefully, as for needed repairs; turn over or take apart for this purpose.
2. To catch up with; gain on.
3. Naut. a To slacken (a rope) by hauling in the opposite direction. b To prepare (a tackle) for use by separating the blocks. See synonyms under EXAMINE.
—noun (ō′vər·hôl′)
1. A thorough inspection or examination.
2. Examination and complete repair. Also o′ver·haul′ing.
overcorrupt | overcured | overdelicate | overdilute | overeasy | overenthusiastic | overexpenditure |
overcostly | overcurious | overdelicately | overdiscipline | overeat | overesteem | overexpress |
overcount | overcuriousness | overdemand | overdiscourage | overeducate | overestimate | overexuberant |
overcourteous | overdaintiness | overdemocratic | overdistant | overelaborate | overestimation | overfacile |
overcovetous | overdainty | overdepress | overdiversification | overelaboration | overexcelling | overfaithful |
overcoy | overdance | overdepressive | overdiversify | overelate | overexcitable | overfamiliar |
overcram | overdare | overdesirous | overdogmatic | overelegant | overexcite | overfanciful |
overcredit | overdazzle | overdestructive | overdominate | overembellish | overexcitement | overfast |
overcredulous | overdear | overdestructiveness | overdoubt | overemotional | overexercise | overfastidious |
overcriticize | overdecorate | overdevoted | overdramatic | overemphasis | overexert | overfastidiousness |
overcull | overdecorative | overdevotion | overdrink | overemphasize | overexertion | overfasting |
overcultivate | overdeepen | overdiffuse | overdry | overemphatic | overexpand | overfat |
overcultivation | overdeeply | overdignified | overeager | overenjoy | overexpansion | overfatigue |
overcunning | overdeliberate | overdiligence | overearnest | overenrich | overexpect | overfatten |
overcunningly | overdeliberation | overdiligent | overeasily | overenter | overexpectant | overfavor |
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