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Definition of: pepper
Our photo definition of pepper
(pep′ər) noun
1. A pungent aromatic condiment consisting of the dried immature berries of the pepper plant, entire or powdered. It is usually black, but when the outer coating of the seeds is removed, the product is white pepper.
2. Any plant yielding pepper; especially, a tropical climbing shrub (Piper nigrum) of the pepper family (Piperaceae), native to India, now widely distributed.
3. Any plant of the genus Capsicum, or its product, entire or powdered: red pepper or Cayenne pepper.
4. Cottoq. Spiciness; pungency; raciness.
1. To sprinkle or season with pepper.
2. To sprinkle like pepper.
3. To shower, as with missiles; spatter; pelt.
4. To discharge missiles at something. [OE pipor, ult. <L piper <Gk. peperi <an Oriental source. Cf. Skt. pippali a peppercorn.]
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