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Definition of: restitution
(res′tə·t′shən, -ty
′-) noun
1. The act of restoring something that has been taken away or lost.
2. The act of making good or rendering an equivalent for injury or loss; indemnification.
3. Restoration to, return to, or recovery of a former position or condition.
4. Physics The property of elastic bodies by which they tend to recover their shape after compression.
5. Establishment of the true nature or position of objects distorted in an aerial photograph. [<OF <L restitutio, -onis <restitutus, pp. of restituere restore, set up again <re- again + statuere set up] Synonyms: amends, compensation, indemnification, indemnity, recompense, remuneration, reparation, repayment, restoration, return. Antonyms: cheat, cheating, defrauding, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, plunder, robbery, stealing, theft.
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