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Definition of: schedule
(skej′l, Brit. shed′y
l) noun
1. A written or printed statement, usually in tabular form, specifying the details of some matter, and often annexed to statutes, petitions, and other documents.
2. A list; catalog; an inventory.
3. A timetable; also, a detailed and timed plan for any procedure.
4. A program.
—v.t. ·uled, ·ul·ing
1. To place in or on a schedule.
2. To make a schedule of.
3. Colloq. To appoint or plan for a specified time or date: He scheduled his appearance for five o'clock. [Alter. of ME sedule <OF cedule <LL scedula, dim. of L scida, scheda a leaf of paper <Gk. schidē a wood splinter <schizein split; infl. in form by Med. L schedula]
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