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Definition of: slope
(slōp) v. sloped, slop·ing v.i.
1. To be inclined from the level or the vertical; slant.
2. To move on an inclined path; go obliquely.
3. Colloq. To leave suddenly; run off.
4. To cause to slope. See synonyms under TIP1. [<adjective]
1. Any slanting surface or line; a declivity or acclivity; an inclined plane: the Atlantic slope of North America.
2. The degree of inclination of a line or surface from the plane of the horizon.
3. Math. a The tangent of the positive angle of less than 180o made between the x–axis and a tangent to a curve traced in the Cartesian coordinate system; also, the derivative of such a curve at a given point. b The tangent of the positive angle of less than 180° made between the x-axis and a straight line traced in the Cartesian coordinate system.
—adjective Slanting; oblique. [Aphetic var. of aslope, OE aslopen, ppr. of aslupan slip away]
—slop′er noun
—slop′ing adjective
—slop′ing·ly adverb
—slop′ing·ness noun
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