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Definition of: surety
(shr′tē, sh
r′ə·tē) noun plural ·ties
1. A person who engages to be responsible for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another; bail.
2. An individual or corporation that, in consideration of the payment of a premium, acts as security for a principal (as a State, city, bank, etc.), against possible loss through the act of an associate or employee who is required to furnish such security.
3. A pledge of money deposited, or of credit given, to secure against loss or damage; security for payment or performance.
4. That which gives security or confidence; ground or basis of certainty or security.
5. The state of being sure; sureness; security; safety; certainty.
6. A sponsor. See synonyms under CERTAINTY, SECURITY. [<OF surte <L securitas, -atis <securus SECURE]
—sure′ty·ship noun
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