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Definition of: truth
(trth) noun plural truths (tr
thz, tr
1. The state or character of being true in relation to being, knowledge, or speech.
2. Conformity to fact or reality.
3. Conformity to rule, standard, model, pattern, or ideal.
4. Conformity to the requirements of one's being or nature; steadfastness; sincerity.
5. That which is true; a statement or belief which corresponds to the reality.
6. A fact as the object of correct belief; reality.
7. A tendency or disposition to speak or tell only what is true; veracity.
8. The quality of being true; fidelity; constancy.
9. In the fine arts, faithfulness to the facts of nature, history, or life.
10. Obs. Right, according to divine law. See synonyms under FIDELITY, JUSTICE, VERACITY, VIRTUE. [OE trēowth <treowe true]
—truth′less adjective
—truth′less·ness noun
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