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Definition of: unhand
(un·hand′) v.t.
To remove one's hand from; release from the hand or hands; let go.
unhomogeneous | unidentified | unimportance | uninfested | uninstructive | uninterpolated | unjaded |
unhonored | unidiomatic | unimportant | uninflammable | uninsurable | uninterpreted | unjoined |
unhood | unilluminated | unimposing | uninflected | uninsured | uninterrupted | unjointed |
un–Horatian | unillumined | unimpressed | uninfluenced | unintellectual | unintimidated | unjoyful |
unhostile | unillustrated | unimpressible | uninfluential | unintelligibility | unintoxicated | unjudged |
unhoused | unimaginable | unimpressionable | uninformed | unintelligible | uninvaded | unjustifiable |
unhuman | unimaginably | unimpressive | uninfringed | unintelligibly | uninvented | unjustifiably |
unhumanize | unimaginative | uninaugurated | uninhabitable | unintended | uninventive | unkept |
unhung | unimagined | uninclosed | uninhabited | unintentional | uninverted | unkindled |
unhurt | unimbued | unincorporated | uninhibited | unintentionally | uninvested | unkindliness |
unhurtful | unimitated | unincumbered | uninitiated | uninteresting | uninvited | unkingly |
unhygienic | unimpaired | unindemnified | uninjured | uninterestingly | uninviting | unkissed |
unhyphenated | unimpassioned | unindicated | uninspired | unintermitted | uninvoked | unknelled |
unhyphened | unimpeded | unindorsed | uninspiring | unintermittent | uninvolved | unknightly |
unideal | unimplored | uninfected | uninstructed | unintermitting | unissued | unknit |
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